Standards & Certifications

Did you know that an estimated 600,000 workdays are lost each year due to worker disability caused by musculoskeletal fatigue and injury? These missed days cost an upwards of $8 billion and six times that amount due to productivity lapses and administrative costs.

Height-adjustable workstations enable workers to achieve optimal ergonomic posture. When individual employees can adjust the work surface height to optimize their posture, the muscular demands of work are reduced and job performance improves. Height adjustability also allows the worker to alternate between sitting and standing, another valuable method of preventing fatigue. The result is a more efficient and productive worker who is at a lower risk of injury. Moving with ease from sitting to standing posture promotes blood circulation, reduces pressure on the spine, and replenishes spinal fluid to the vertebras.

Increased productivity = Increased bottom line.

Today's average industrial worker is actually only productive 70 to 85 percent of an eight-hour workday. This means that between 1.2 and 2.4 hours a day is spent taking breaks or doing something other than the job.

Equipment that hinders, distracts, or fatigues a worker often manifests in frequent breaks, trips to the bathroom, chronic absenteeism and poor attitude.

By producing five more minutes of "productive time" per worker per day, a company with 100 workers making an average of $12.00 an hour, will produce a bottom line return of $50,000 annually! (Not including overhead).

Companies that purchase Accuposture's products will increase worker productivity and save money!

  • Save money by avoiding administrative costs, as well as losses caused by worker injury.
  • All users can easily operate The Adjus-TableTM; no extensive training is needed.
  • The modularity of the Adjus® line of products allows for workstation to grow with your ever changing needs.
  • Employees will be happier, more resilient and productive throughout the workday.
  • Unions and OSHA will approve.
  • Get ahead of competitors that don't utilize this ergonomic solution.

©2008 Accuposture Systems,Ltd